25 is a tricky age, in this period of time, we start to imagine our future self since we almost approach 30, having more time to explore and try to understand ourself, it’s also the age we’ve been getting into society for few years, to devote the knowledge we learned from school and purse our aspiration. However, the reality always punch our face like telling us to wake up, yap, society is totally different than our imagination.
I’ve been working in one of the top 50 biggest company in Taiwan since I graduated from college. Deadwood likes disease that there’s no big company could prevent from infection and people being unfairly treated normally happens in work place. However, those thing are not a big deal since it might be too hard to change, but still, society is not that horrify, we can learn from people’s experiences to get away from making mistakes, it could also provide different lesson to learn through daily observation.
By using this method, there’re 5 point that I’ve learned and realized at my 25.
1.Don’t Expect Any Compassion From Others When Making Mistakes.
It recently happened at my work place. One of my colleagues got injured during work because he didn’t be aware of the hazard and broke one of his hand. As his colleague, I felt shocked and sad, I also wished he can speedily recover and back to work. However, this accident became gossip in others daily conversation, some of them even made fun of him.
At my stand point, we don’t have any right to correct their behavior and we also shouldn’t put our moral value to others. No matter how bad the conditions you involved, you must try your best to overcome, and don’t expect you could get any compassion from others.
Greatness like Kobe Bryant who inspired million of people around the world, People shown their compassion for 2 weeks, and went back to their normal life. Time still ticking, nobody has responsibility to stop for others.
2.There Are Lots Of People Always Talk-To-Talk
Having aspirations and talking about something you dream of is easy, but stepping out the first step is hard.
We always heard of people around us talking about they want to have great physic, but rarely see them go to the gym or stick with diet. They could have excuses at all time, like feeling tired after work, the weather condition and so on. Some people share what they’re doing on social media try to make clarification that they’re a person with determination. It’s useless action since people don’t care your process but only your results, If you can’t show a great result, it’s same as talk-to-talk.
There’s not thing you have to sacrifice when imagining, but you have to sacrifice lots of things when trying to make it in reality.
I frequently remind myself don’t become this kind of person.
3.Your Friends Would Not Permanently Be Your Friend.
When graduated from colleague, I found that I lost many friends, it isn’t because I’m a rude or selfish person, it because we all have our way to go, our dream to chase.
Before I get into work place, I’ve heard of people said that it’s hard to have real friendship in work place, I believed it at the time. However, since I truly get into it, I found that we still can find true friends, but it normally happens when both of you have same goal to pursue which means if someday one of you change the goal, both of you will no longer as close as usual.
Don’t be afraid of losing any friends in your life, because the empty hole will be fill with another person who more suitable for where you are right now.
4.People Want To Talk More Than Listen
You might encounter some situations that two of your colleagues or friends are talking but they’re totally talking about different things. That’s insane. However, people eager to share their opinion nowadays like if they don’t share their opinion to others, people will think they are idiot. For my experience, once me and one of my colleagues talked about How China treating our retired army general, in this conversation I tried to put focus on the sense of belonging that China made for those generals — those generals may feel isolated in Taiwan since many taiwanese see them as useless burdens and the only thing they do is taking the tax we paid and enjoy their life, however, my colleague keep focusing on those general should be punished and something like that. I tried to correct the orientation of our discussion but it didn’t work, I gave up at the end.
People talk more than they listen, if you can find someone willing to listen, you’re a lucky guy, please cherish it.
5. It’s Hard To Find Someone To Love
It might depend on characteristic you have, but for me it’s hard.
I’ve used Tinder for 4 months, but I would not recommend you to use this kind of method if you want to have a serious relationship. I’ve hung out with 4 different girls within a week but still felt lonely, and also have worse date in my life with the girl I met on it.
Our tolerance for others is decreasing as we continue to grow, somehow, to love is not that easy as well, there’re lots of things we have to consider before get into a relationship. Nevertheless, I still working on it.